Monday, March 18, 2013

Honees Caramel Energy Plus Review

This time covered in caramel, this Honees Energy Plus looks just as banal and reads equally awkwardly. Why would the variety dressed in gold candy come in a silver packaging (rather than the other variety)? The honeycomb shaped vitamins are a nice touch, but there is a reason these were discounted; consumers do not often buy into such trite appearances.

The caramel is thin but flavorful, however resembles toffee more with its crunchiness. The honey inside is chewy and sticky, but sweet with a personality and purpose that bodes exceptionally well with that of the aforementioned. The viscid center catches caloric rubble and clings to teeth at the bane of any dentist, but it is this conflicting texture that is a treat to eat. The core most certainly should be more flowing, and the caramel worn should have more girth and moisture, but things are better than they are worse.

Thanks to honey and vitamins, with a trilogy of pieces providing energy equal to a few raisins, which is not the kind of kick you are reading for. On the whole. Honees Caramel is more of a healthy candy than an energy product.

official site

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