Thursday, March 14, 2013

Starbucks Iced Coffee Review

This thick glass bottle has a great quality heft in your hand, and with its distinct shape and a local gas station's .99 cent promotion, they certainly caught my attention. The lower label is brilliantly minimalistic like you expect from the company, however the top label is poorly shrink-wrapped on and being coffee colored, leads one to believe you are getting more.

There is fantastic coffee flavor here, bitter with purpose and control. The brew has playful notes of chocolate, and the sweetness is perfect. Things are not needlessly creamy, however the milk's flavor is disappointing and burnt. It is watery without reason and drinks disparately thusly. It suffers obviously from being bottled and- speaking of which, the bottle's large neck makes consumption incredibly awkward; it is like sipping out of a Heinz glass ketchup jar. Although far from "premium," this is in fact a "coffee beverage."

There is only coffee, reduced fat milk, sugar, pectin, and ascorbic acid per bottle, and provides about as much energy as you would expect. And while you could say "Der, Caffeine King, this is not an energy drink, der," coffee is in many ways the original energy drink.

official site

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