Monday, April 1, 2013

GAzZU Tea + Lemonade Energy Drink Review

Packed with personality, this GAzZU stood out surprisingly on Circle K's shelves (a five for five deal helped too). There is a lot going on but everything is consistent, and the bright orange bouncing brightly off of the sultry black. The brand's "G" has a ring like Saturn, and separate from comparable potations, the name is not some stupid synonym for "recovery" or "rehab," but just the flavor, "Tea + Lemonade."

Not much unlike any other drink similar, GAzZU puts no spin of their own into this incredibly mundane release. Sure, sweetness is successful and the sourness gives the lemonade half of this Arnold Palmer vivid verisimilitude, but each sip is hardly different from the recent red rain Redeem or popular Monster Rehab. The lemon is tasty but unoriginal, and the tea adds an uninteresting boilerplate bite. This is a company who puts out beverage after unique beverage, so it is such a shame that everything here is just so familiar.

Each can contains: ginseng, taurine, inositol, guarana, B vitamins, amino acids, superfruit extract, and caffeine.  The kick lasted about three and a half hours, of decent strength but unremarkable in the "hydration" department. On the whole, GAzZU Tea + Lemonade is far from bad, but the company is far more imaginative than this.

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered the Gazzu energy drink the past week when purchasing items from a local discount food store. I got the black tea lemonade flavor for a knock off price of .39cents per can. I love the flavor and plan to return to the same store to purchase more!
