Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Bawls Guarana Ginger Review

Bawls keeps on rolling, pun intended, with their soda-inspired varieties. This time ginger ale is attempted, its dull green bottle unfortunately resembling a macro beer more so than a soda. But it feels wonderful in the hand, the small bumps giving this beverage transport the texture the Monster brand often stumbles with.

With both a strong ginger taste and saccharinity, Bawls tastes more like Vernors than Canada Dry, but that is okay- how many golden ginger ales can you think of, let alone have caffeine? High fructose corn syrup does the sweetening here, but that never bothered my tongue; it adds to the slightly gummy mouthfeel of many commercial sodas. Simplicity is key here, no nuance to distract from the bubbly goodness; there may not be a lot going on here, it is just a ginger ale, but it is a rarity in the realm of caffeinated potations done well.

Thirty one grams of sugar, some guarana, and an internet-sourced sixty four milligrams of caffeine. And for those who crack open every crazy Mtn Dew variety only to be disappointed, then Bawls Ginger should work.

official site

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