Thursday, April 12, 2018

Realtree Outdoor Hydration Country Punch Energy Drink Review

This five-calorie potation is not too hard on the eyes. I mean, sure, its corporate "outdoors" look is forced, but that is okay, I have learned to stop caring. What do I still care about then? For starters, three fonts is too much; perhaps your designers should stop hunting and start working. And I have met plenty of "outdoorsy" people, and I have never seen one of them write in cursive.

Every sip lacks the potent saccharinity the fruity cocktail demands; sucralose works alone here, but this is why it never should. The effervescent famine helps the weight of each imbibe, the sham sugar having none of the heft of its caloric cousin, and its crawling density almost pacifies the sugar's melancholic absence. But the poverty of carbonation is less of a virtue than anticipated for this Realtree attempt, no matter the wonders it does for the dull taste. The experience needs desperately some levity, something to freshen up the adamant lugubriosity, and the bubbly deficiency only throws thirty pound weights on an already slow turtle. Flavors are scarce, the guava, pineapple, cherry, and lime, you know, the usual suspects, are crushed and muddled into a deplorably one-dimension cocktail. There is zero depth, no jazzy kick, playful nuance, or even obligatory acidity- just a flat taste of fruit punch by someone who probably never tasted fruit punch... or even punched a fruit.

Each can contains: taurine, B vitamins, and caffeine. The buzz at least does its job, kicking for roughly an hour and a half or so. In the end, Realtree Outdoor Hydration Country Punch is not only loquacious; it is laborious.

official site

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