Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Red Bull The Winter Edition Pomegranate Energy Drink Review

It is beginning to look a lot like, winter? Well according to Red Bull, it is, time for their annual frosty release. This year it is pomegranate, but that unleashes a common problem with these varieties; the vermillion can looks practically identical to their "Red Edition," "Grapefruit Edition," "Plum Edition," and "Peach Edition." Brand dilution is real here folks, and oh sure, the text is slightly different, the shade of red just a touch brighter or darker, but oh my gosh my golly, does this look like pretty much every other red Red Bull.

The flavor is actually really good, resembling honest pomegranate despite containing no actual nectar. In fact, it is artificially flavored, something I will not be holding against it, since every sip of this cardinal colored cocktail is sweet, sour, bubbly and pleasant. Thirty eight grams of sugar and glucose are balanced well against the tartness, a constant dual for taste bud domination which results in a dynamic experience- no one sip is identical but always familiar and on-brand. The scarlet fruit rocks the palate with minimal interference from other produce, itself never mutating much across its petite twelve ounces. This was necessary since the sweetness and acidity around the sanguine harvest ebbs and flows between gulps, giving the drinker some sort of stable element to depend on.

Potency is one space where the ubiquitous brand has ceased to really be competitive; with only 114 milligrams of caffeine, the potable's buzz barely breaks through the two hour mark. Other ingredients include B vitamins and taurine. Overall, 2021's The Winter Edition Pomegranate continues Red Bull's relatively solid track record of distancing themselves from the classic "energy drink" flavor they made popular. It is just a shame they do not adjust the ingredients to match its tasty vision.

official site

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