Tuesday, December 25, 2007

24 minutes, 7 seconds energy

Merry Xmas everybod-.... wait a minute, I'm really saying Merry Xmas to nobody... oh well. I got a TON of energy drinks 4 Xmas, many Ive never had, like this one, 24:7. It has a pretty cool can i guess, doesn't look like they spent 2 much time on it, but, it works. I'm guessing this is a Red Bull clone, providing it has no flavor given...

When i opened this, i smelled the drink. Yup, its a Red Bull clone. BUT: not a bad 1. It has a VERY strong medicine flavor. even more than Hansens, which is saying a lot. Its not all that bad, but not like id drink it every day or something. but, i could shove it down.

But, there's no kick. it feels like i just drank a coke, but w/out the heart burn...

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