Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bawls Guarana Cherry

Wow, I haven't had this is a while. This is one of the drinks that I drank quite some time ago and didn't review(along with some of the other Bawls products).

FIRST IMPRESSION: First things first, the can and name are pretty unique. We could say they got the bawls to name a drink Bawls. I give the appearance a 4/5

TASTE: The smell isn't all that strong, kinda a light cherry smell. But the taste is... weird. Its like cherry seltzer, which was gross... at first. But after a couple sips, I started to enjoy the taste. You can taste the guarana taste in there... I give the taste a 3/5

KICK: Well providing that this only has caffeine to provide a good kick, which isn't good. But look on the bright side, my kidneys are happy for not having a lot of taurine to clean. I give the kick a 2.5/5

FINAL WORD: Personally, I think this is a pretty good drink. Although the lack of many energy drink ingredients isn't good, but I can live with out them... i give this a 3.5/5

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