Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mountain Spew Supernova

He he he, this is my 69 post... nudge nudge... I'm gonna try to try all of these new MD flavors, and since i already had Voltage, this was the next in line.

TASTE: Now it claims to be Dew flavored w/ a blast of strawberry melon flavor, oh boy. The smell is, different, but doesn't turn me off. Kinda like melon... but the taste is... similar to Voltage, but has a weakish melon funk to it. For some reason, it reminds me of Game Fuel, but better.

KICK: Well it has the same caffeine content as voltage, so no more of a kick. I didn't really feel that much of a buzz, but i do consume about 350-450 mg of caffeine a day so, maybe its too little for me.

FINAL WORDE: Eh, not as good as voltage, but still a decent drink with a small buzz...3/5

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