Sunday, June 15, 2008

Rockstar Punched

Yesterday while i was at Laconia for Bike Week, i stopped at little connivance store and saw this, Rockstar Punched. At 1st, i didn't know what this was, it looked like a alcoholic beverage too me, but then i realized it was a fruit punch flavor. I really like this can, its black with red, the best combination of colors in my opinion. Now i have had barely any sleep over the weekend, so Ive been consuming these caffeinated beverages like crazy. Since Ive never seen it til now, i figured id get it, but did i make a good choice?

TASTE: When i popped the can open, i saw it was a dark pinkish-red color. It smelled kinda fruity, but had a hint of NyQuil Cherry. On the 1st sip, i was hit by a kinda bland fruit flavor, but then was hit by a NyQuil Cherry flavor. I personally prefer the original NyQuil flavor, but that's just me. This was a pretty thick flavor drink. A little too thick for my taste. But not bad...

KICK: Eh, not too powerful, but kinda a suttle kick. Even though Rockstar has quite a impressive ingredients list, i didn't feel all that awake.

FINAL WORDY: Eh, not too impressive. Ive never been really impressed by Rockstar, and ill never be if they keep turning things like this out. Not that bad, but definitely not good. I give Rockstar Punched a 3/5.

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