Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Boo Koo Mean Big... and gay can design

This is another energy drink I got at Big Lots for $.60. Boo Koo Energy Punch is another punch flavored energy drink, a flavor that is missing in the energy category. There has been Rock Stars attempt and Stinger attempt, but none have done a great job. So lets see if Boo Koo can pull it off...

FIRST IMPRESSION: For starters, the can sucks. Though the logo might work with black or other dark colored colors, but not bright red. I'm not buying it(well technically I did but... you know what I mean). Though the color really stands off the shelf, its just too bright... 2/5

TASTE: Though Boo Koo Punch was a stinker in the impression category, the taste makes up for it. Though its more of a cherry than a punch, it still exceeds my expectations of this drink. It starts out sweet, then ends with a refreshing bite. It also has a perfected amount of carbonation, making a truly refreshing and unique drink. I could see myself drinking this much more than once... 4.8/5

KICK: Nutrition Facts are: Serving size 8 fl oz., Serving Per Container 2, Calories 120, Fat 0, Cholesterol 0, Sodium 0, Total Carbohydrate 30g, Protein 0, Niacin 100%, Vitamin B6 260%, Vitamin b12 90%, Pantothenic Acid 50%. Other Nutrients Per 8 oz. Serving: Caffeine 120mg; Taurine 1030mg; Panax Ginseng Extract 103mg; D-Glucuronolactone; L-Carnitine 25 mg; Inositol 50mg, which give you a pretty damn big boost. I felt wide awake after drinking this and the buzz lasted for hours... 4/5

FINAL WERD: This is truly an awesome energy drink. The flavor is great, and its got a powerful kick. The only thing holding it back is the crappy can design. But overall, its a great drink, a thirst quencher, and shouldn't be over looked by anyone... anyone...4.5/5

Photo Source

Official Site

1 comment:

  1. I found this drink at Big Lots too!! Honestly, I couldn't believe the price. But, I am not a big fan because it has a whole bunch of ingredients that made me have some anxiety. I think a little too much kick for me. The red stood out, that is why I noticed it in the first place.
