Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mad Cock Energy Gum Spiked Spearmint

Once again, I was shopping at the Dollar Tree, when a three for a buck deal caught my eye. What was it? Is it candy? Does it even interest me? I took a closer look and found out it was it was Mad Croc energy gum. I got three flavors, citrus, spearmint, and peppermint. I'll go with reviewing "Spiked Spearmint" for now...

FIRST IMPRESSION: Now, any energy guru knows who Mad Croc is. Its an energy drink known for getting sued for there can being too similar to Red Bulls. That's will definitely give it extra points... I like the box, the red croc on green and black works pretty well. And I like the name "Spiked Spearmint", its bad ass. But one thing that bothers me, why the hell do they put "artificial flavors" on the front of the box, like someone one goes down the aisle, "oh look, artificial flavored gum, sounds like a good buy!"... 4/5

TASTE: Opening up one of the ten pieces, I find that two pieces equal an 8oz. energy drink, so one $.33 box equals five Red Bulls(caffeine wise). Not bad, nope, not bad at all. I popped two in my mouth and chewed. The gum is a nice spearmint flavor, similar to most other spearmint gum. But one bad thing, the gum dissolves after about ten minutes of chewing. But its not all that noticeable, but you know its there. The mint stays with for quite awhile, it really surprised me. Most energy gums flavors don't last to too long...4.2/5

KICK: According to their website, each servings(two pieces) contain: Sorbitol, Gum base, Maltitol, Natural and artificial flavors, Caffeine, Taurine, Maltodextrin, Sucralose, Refined glaze, Riboflavin. I was pretty surprised to find out hat its pretty much and energy drink in gum form. After chewing a couple pieces, I didn't feel at all energetic. But then I looked at the clock and found out that it was three in the morning, and I didn't feel tired. So I'm gonna say that Mad Croc energy gum Spiked Spearmint works in a subtle way...3/5

FINAL WERD: Overall, I'm gonna have to sat that I'm impressed with this product. Since this product impressed me, I'm expecting no less for the other two flavors that I bought(And I will find you Cinnamon Kick, I will.) But when you get down to it, its just gum. Though Its highly caffeinated, its still just gum. And that's all it will ever be...4/5

Photo Source

Official Site

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