Saturday, October 11, 2008

Monster Chocolate Rain

Today I went to a 7-11. Now, 7-11's aren't to common around where I live so when I excitedly walked in the first thing to catch my attention was large Slurpee machine mixing Monster Black Ice. And for less than two buck, I got a huge 32 oz. cup filled with the mushy liquid. But whether or not that was a well spent purchase is something we're about to find out.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Well, I really like the Monster Black Ice logo and containers kick butt. Its a winter dark logo that works well with the onset of the upcoming winter. It really gets me all excited and really pulls off the bad ass image Monster tries to have. And the price, only $1.49 for a 32.oz drink? That's like getting a BFC for $1.49. Good deal in that perspective...4.5

TASTE: I was expecting a grape flavor, but lucky I got hit with a berry like original Monster flavor. Its pretty subtle flat berry taste with the onset of the Monster. Its not really sour, like original Monster is, but there is a very mild sour at the end. Though it taste's better with out the iciness, its not all too good flat. I think Monster Black Ice is a pretty good idea, and better executed than Full Throttle's Slurpee was...3.4/5

KICK: Eh, though Monster usually steps up the amount of energy ingredients to the standard average, they didn't do all to well per 8oz, but, 32oz. of this gives you a average energy buzz. About the amount of energy a Monster gives you, which isn't too bad. This is the only thing that I could find that listed the ingredients:


FINAL WORD: Overall, It's pretty average drink. Not the best, but not the worst. I don't absolutely love the flavor, but its decent. And the kick is present, but not overly powerful. I would say that Monster could of done some work, but its a decent attempt at a Slurpee energy drink. I can't say its a great drink, but its a good drink and I can definitely see my self dreaming of drinking this again...3.3/5

Picture Source

official site

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