Monday, September 28, 2009

Don't place you bets on this

If your a regular reader of my web log then I'm sure you know about my love affair with citrus, and one of the many drinks I got in a recent trade is All In Citrus. All In Citrus is part of the All In line of drinks, and apart from Citrus, I've never seen any flavour in the line. The All In line is rather unique as all the varieties are sugar free. Given that several sugar free only lines that I've had have been quite good(such as the Xenergy line), I'm pretty excited to try and review All In Citrus.

FIRST IMPRESSION: I should like the can to All In Citrus. There's a dragon in the black back ground, the text is minimal and a flames in the middle. All signs say that I should like the can, but I don't. I think it has the be poker theme. It's not that I have anything against poker, but I feel that All In Citrus tries too hard. Not only is there a large chip in the middle but All In is also partnered with several pro poker players. And to top it all off there's little hearts/diamonds etc. sprinkled around the can. Overall, unless your a poker fan, the can fails to leave a good impression.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a sweet lemon flavour that almost instantly turns into a blend of lime and orange. None of the fruit flavours taste natural, but it isn't a deal breaker. Following the lime/orange blend a unpleasant sugar free aftertaste emerges and lasts long past its welcome. There are some notes of grapefruit and peach, but sadly they're lost amongst the bad aftertaste. The carbonation is keep pretty low, making All In Citrus rather easy to drink. Overall, while it is not the worst sugar free energy drink I've ever had, it is far from the best.

KICK: Each eight oz. can contains: caffeine, Taurine, 200% of your daily intake of Vit. C, 350% of daily intake of Vit. B6, 3500% of your daily intake of Vit. B12, fifty percent of your daily intake of pantothenic acid, and 100% of your daily intake of niacin, and folic acid. While the kick isn't going to appeal someone looking for a wild ride, anyone looking for a decent pick me up should be satisfied with All In Citrus. For around three hours I felt mildly awake and had a slight case of the jitters. Probably the best part about the kick was that there was no crash.

FINAL WORD: Overall, don't expect All In Citrus to appear on either my best taste or best kick list. Nothing about the drink was really impressive and for the most part All In Citrus is as plain as they come. There are many truly great energy drinks available, but All In Citrus isn't one of them. All in all I wouldn't recommend placings your bets on All In Citrus...2.9/5

official site

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