Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lightning Rods Beef Stick

I've reviewed a number of non-drink energy products, ranging from chews to tongue powders, but nothing as bizarre as an energy beef stick. Lightning Rods Beef Stick is one of the few, if not the only energy beef stick out there. Being a big fan of beef products like jerky and Slim Jim's I have to say that I'm extremely excited to try and review Lightning Rods Beef Stick.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The package to Lightning Rods is pretty bad. The mad bull guy is ugly and poorly drawn. But I guess I'd be pretty mad if I knew that I was on a package that could very well contain my dead brother. Another problem is the cluttered text. I am aware that the ingredient list takes up a lot of space, but that doesn't mean that they should of filled up the remaining space with stupid text like "synergy" and "original flavour." Overall, the horrid package is a real issue and I highly doubt these are licensed by Ben Franklin.

TASTE: I opened the package and took a bite. The flavour starts out a light smokey flavour that slowly fades and a pleasant barbecue taste emerges. The barbecue is rather light and is mildly sweet. The whole taste ends with a slight sweetness and a brief sourness. Neither the sweetness or the sourness is strong or last long, which I feel was the best way to do it. The texture is pretty smooth and is easy to chew. Overall, I'm impressed with how good Lightning Rods turned out tasting. Though I would of preferred them to of been a little bigger, it is by no means a deal breaker.

KICK: Each "rod" contains: Beef, sixty mg of caffeine, Brown Sugar, Guarana, Spices, Panax Ginseng, and Corn Syrup. This blend of ingredients, or as the package say, "ingredient statement" provided me with a far below average kick. For a mere one and a half hours I felt slightly more awake and had no jitters. Once the short hour+ passed me by I didn't feel any sort of crash.

FINAL WORD: Overall, I feel that Lightning Rods Beef Stick is a below decent energy product. While the taste was pulled off great, the poor kick and low grade package design keep Lightning Rods from reaching their full potential. I'm really disappointed, almost disgusted with how bad Lightning Rods turned out. For a product that is supposed to give you a five hour buzz it's really sad that it didn't even come close. All in all Lightning Rods are not worth their $1.49 price tag and should be skipped...2.3/5

official site

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