Sunday, November 15, 2009

all day energy shot

If there really was an energy product that could cause you to be up all day, I'd be the first one to buy a pack. The unusual number of colds I get in a year indicates that I'm not a fan of sleeping, and if I only needed one shot to do it, I would be one happy caffeine addict. And it looks like my wish may soon be granted. Hasan Choudhry emailed me recently, wondering if I'd like some samples of all day energy. Like my typical self I agreed and the next thing I knew I had a six pack of insomnia inducing two oz. wonders. Will all day energy keep me up all day, or will it keep me asleep all night?

For the most part, the all day energy bottle looks good. The flames are nice and aren't distracting, and the name, all day energy, is a good choice for an energy shot. One problem is that the text gets a little out of hand towards the bottom. Does it really need to say that it will give you energy four times? According to SKY Nutrition(the owner), it does. Both Hasan and the website promise me a great taste, and given the poor performance of every other energy shot I've had, I doubt that statement is true.

I unscrewed the top and took a sip. The flavour starts out a sharp mango and cranberry blend. Neither of these flavours are very noticeable as a cross between an artificial sweetener and menthol dominates the experience. While this cross flavour masks any bitterness, it isn't too pleasing. Though all day energy is miles ahead in taste than any other energy shot I've had, it still requires something to cover the bad flavour, and that isn't something I'd expect from anything hailed as "great tasting."

Each two oz. bottle contains: D-ribose, L-arginine, L-carnitine, Taurine, glucuronolactone, ginseng, folic acid, caffeine, and Vit. B6, B12, and C. This highly potent blend gave me quite an impressive buzz. Instantly after drinking the shot I began to feel more alert and awake. This lasted for a good five hours and it was a steady stream of energy with no jitters. Once the five hours ended I didn't receive any crash. The kick was on par with several other energy shots, which is a disappointment given its name is "all day energy."

Was telling me that all day energy had a great taste an opinion or a clever marketing ploy? Though I'm sure we all know which one I think it was, for an energy shot all day isn't the worst you could do. All energy shot drinkers care about is a good kick, and in that sense all day energy passes. But with the hundreds of other shots out there, you could do better than all day. At around $2.60 a bottle, all day energy simply doesn't have an edge over its competition. Though the taste was superior, the bottle and the kick were nothing out of the ordinary. Unless you become a energy critic and receive a six pack for free, there really isn't any reason to pick all day energy over the other shots on the convenience store counter.

official site

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