Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cranergy cranberry lift

Other than straight up lime or lemon juice, I'd say that cranberry juice is my favorite. Sad thing is that few energy drinks utilize cranberry's wonderful flavour, so the other day when I was grocery shopping, I went to grab a bottle of cranberry juice when I caught the words " cranberry" and "energy" together on the next shelf up. It was a four pack of twelve oz. Cranergy cranberry lift. Unsure whether or not Cranergy could calm my daily juice cravings, I bought both. Now, I'm willing to bet that Cranergy doesn't wow me with a great kick, so hopefully the flavour astonishes me and evens things out.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Cranergy's bottle looks a lot more like a juice than an energy drink. It has pictures of the alleged fruit on the label, and the background colour is pink. I personally don't think the pink meshes with the dark red juice well. I would have picked a black or a silver for the colour. I also don't like the clutterness of the label. The front of the drink should only consist of the main ideas the company is trying to get across, in a way summarize the product, and Cranergy just doesn't do that. Now, I understand that Cranergy isn't marketed to the usual energy drinker, but since it is labeled as an energy drink(well, an energy juice drink) I'm going to treat it like an energy drink, and in that sense the bottle is terrible.

TASTE: I cracked off the top and took a sip. The flavour begins a subtle grape that is overthrown by a cross between mint and cranberry juice cocktail. Once the mint/cranberry blend settles, a mix of green tea and artificial sweetener rises up, but it ends rather quickly and loses strength the more you sip. One of, if not the key component of cranberry juice is tartness, and I would have to say that the tartness of Cranergy is not as strong as I would of hoped. When I first took a sip, I was sure I wasn't going to like the flavour, but the more I sipped the more it grew on me. Overall, Cranergy tastes quite good, though this may only be because I adore cranberry juice in general.

KICK: Each bottle contains: eighty three mg of caffeine, 100% of your daily intake of Vit. C, and seventy percent of your daily intake of niacin, pantothenic acid, Vit. B2, B12, and B6. Cranergy cranberry lift gave me a buzz similar to the GURU line, but not as strong. It was more like I had just waken up from a great night sleep instead of preparing for a wild party. My mental alertness was raised and I felt more focused than I previously was. These feelings lasted around three hours, and once those three hours ended I didn't feel groggy or tired, just not as alert.

FINAL WORD: Being a huge fan of cranberry juice I doubt Cranergy will ever replace my daily glass of it, but for Ocean Spray's first stab at an energy product, it is a notable attempt. Though it's obvious some serious time was spent on developing Cranergy, it sadly wasn't enough. Cranergy is a premature energy drink that, while currently decent, needs more time at R&D...2.8/5

official site

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