Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fahrenheit Green Tea Raspberry Acai

Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, I figured what better drink to review than one that can burn those soon to come holiday calories away, and the only drink I know of that "can" do that is Celsius. Celsius has been around for a while, but I never really was interested in it. I really didn't even consider it to be an energy drink, until recently when I read that it is also supposed to increase your energy level. I picked "Green Tea Raspberry Acai" because the other flavours the store had were "orange" and "wild berry," and neither of which are my favorite flavour.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Like many, Celsius's can suffers from a text overload. While some of the writing is necessary, some is unnecessary. I personally feel that the problem is that the font is too big. Perhaps if it was made smaller the can wouldn't look so cluttered. I do like the funky colour scheme. It's bright and vibrant, and definitely the best part of the design. One thing that worries me is that the can says "Tastes Great." While I doubt it will taste as bad as all day energy shot, I have a feeling that the taste won't pull a Tony the Tiger and be great.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a mildly syrupy raspberry and lemon blend, that is interrupted by a sudden pierce of sweetness. A faint bitterness is present for a brief moment after the sweet spike, but luckily it doesn't last. The flavour ends in a clash between a weak green tea and a light syrup, and thankfully the green tea mostly overpowers the syrup. Both the raspberry and lemon mimic their respected fruits well enough and are bonded together in good fashion. The sucralose spike doesn't taste artificial, for the most part. I couldn't detect any acai, but it isn't the end of the world. Overall, while I wouldn't call the flavour "Great Tasting," it is very drinkable and not half bad.

KICK: Each twelve oz. can contain: ten calories, 200mg of caffeine, taurine, guarana, ginger extract, chelate, and 100% of your daily intake of niacin, biotin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, Vit C, B12, and B6. I find it interesting that Celsius supposedly burns calories, and yet it contains calories. Kinda ironic if you ask me. Celsius may be labeled as a calorie burner, but its real talent is with its kick. For a good four+ hours I felt wide awake and had no jitters. The kick was similar to Cranergy, only more powerful. Once the four+ hours ended I received no crash.

FINAL WORD: Celsius Green Tea Raspberry Acai is a middling energy drink. While the kick was great, the adequate taste and messy can really hurt the overall score. Celsius Tea Raspberry may appeal to those looking for a rather inexpensive way to burn some calories while getting some serious energy, and that seems like all they were going for. I doubt Celsius is intended for a hardcore Monster or Rockstar fan, but instead a weight conscious infrequent caffeine consumer. Like the initial marketing for the Wii, Celsius is trying to get everyone and their grandma to use their product. But were as the Wii helped created the casual gamer, Celsius has yet to create the casual energy drinker...2.9/5

official site

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