Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rockstar Roasted Latte

With nearly 240 reviews under my belt, it should come to no surprise that using the same outline each and every time I write a review gets rather boring. So today I've decided to change up my review style. I don't plan on changing my review style permanently, but who knows?

Coffee energy drinks are a great idea. Combining two overly caffeinated products seems like a match made in heaven, but as we all know, few succeed. Personally, I'm a fan of the coffee-energy drink idea, but other than the Java Monster line, few drinks succeed. Given the average at best performance of Rockstar Pomegranate, my hopes for Rockstar Latte leaving me in a wake of positive impression are not terribly high. With 260 calories Rockstar Latte better be worth its calories in gold.

With each energy coffee I find it seems that the can is attempting to mimic a completely different style. Java Monster tried to look hard core and intimidating, the Frappio line made an attempt at art deco, and the Starbuck's took a stab at elegance. None of these attempts fully succeed, and the same goes for the coffeehouse-style Rockstar Latte can. It's cluttered to the bone and rather confusing. The confusion continues as the can says to enjoy Latte chilled, where as a regular latte is supposed to be consumed warm.

The flavour isn't too complex, and rightfully so. It begins with a rich coffee that has a thick creamy milk underlying it. The milk coats your mouth, letting an aftershock of coffee mix with it. Once you swallow the liquid, a strong bitterness develops in the back of your throat, but it isn't unpleasant and seems natural with the coffee taste. When people drink coffee, they're not looking for a overly complicated flavour, they are looking for a clean coffee taste with no frills, and in that sense I think Rockstar Latte delivers.

The ingredient highlights of Rockstar Latte include: approx. 240mg of caffeine, Taurine, ginkgo, guarana, ginseng, Vit B5, B3, B6, B12, and milk thistle extract. For an energy coffee, Rockstar Latte mildly impressed me with its kick. For three and a half to four hours I felt energetic and had a slight case of the jitters. Like a true coffee Rockstar Latte didn't leave me crashed once the three-four hours passed.

Energy coffee's are interesting in theory, but sadly the idea has yet to be mastered and perfected. The closest thing to perfection in the catagory is Java Monster Big Black, and even that had some issues. The overall quality to Rockstar Latte was scattered. While the taste was enjoyable, the can was a mess and the kick was nothing worth noting. There are few great energy drinks in the world, and there are even fewer great energy coffees. With the number of energy coffees steadily increasing, I hope and expect companies to take note of what prevents Rockstar Latte from being a success.

official site

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