Saturday, December 26, 2009

Crackheads 2

While at FYE, I noticed a small brown box next to several energy drinks. It was box of Crackheads 2. Now, I've been looking to get my twitchy fingers on Crackheads, either one or two, for quite some time, so paying $2.99 for a 1.30 oz. box was rather justified. Crackheads 2 are what I believe to be chocolate covered coffee beans, and contain a large 600mg of caffeine.

FIRST IMPRESSION: I generally enjoy the box to Crackheads 2. While I feel some of the text gets a little out of hand towards the bottom, the overall lay out of the box and the design are good. I like the emphasis on the extreme caffeine content, as this contains one of, if not the most amount of caffeine of any product I've come across(600mg). The box claims that Crackheads 2 have "Super Energy + Super Taste," and while I don't doubt that they give a great amount of energy, I'm uneasy on whether or not they have great taste.

TASTE: I opened the box and poured several bits in my hand. They look similar to Peanut M&M's, and come in black and white. The flavour starts out a smooth, rich dark chocolate that is rudely interrupted by a hard crunch, then a mild espresso builds and along with a raising bitterness, finishes the flavour. I found eating the candies one by one to be overwhelmingly bitter, so I'd recommend eating one black and one white together, as they seem to balance each other out. The espresso tastes very much like a real coffee house espresso, so those who like espresso's should really enjoy this. While I may drink it every once in a while, I'm not the biggest fan of coffee, so while Crackheads 2 taste very much like what you'd expect a chocolate covered espresso bean to taste like, I'm just not the biggest fan of them.

KICK: Though it only contains caffeine, and guarana, I got a real quick, and real powerful buzz. I felt awake, alert, and had such an amount of energy that was sustained. It lasted a good six to seven hours, but I did crash, and the crash was a hard one. While I would of preferred no crash, it didn't come as a surprise.

FINAL WARD: I personally enjoyed my time with Crackheads 2, but I wouldn't say that it's worth the $2.99 price. While I really liked the kick, it wasn't something most people would buy into. The taste is also something I doubt many people will enjoy. I understand that though, as I'm not a huge coffee fan(that's why I drink energy drinks). The name and actual method of eating is very niche. The name might appeal to immature teenage boys, and being a candy, only a few may consider getting energy this way. Crackhead 2 falls into an even smaller category than most other energy candies are in. My rating to Crackheads 2 reflects my personal enjoyment level of the product, but for the most part, I can't recommend the masses buying a pack...3.5/5

official site

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