Monday, December 7, 2009

lo-carb buzzed

Last month when I bought buzzed energy, I also picked up lo-carb buzzed energy. Since the original buzzed didn't end up being anything of value, lo-carb buzzed was not high on my review list. But after several writing complications, my quantity of drinks rapidly declined. So when I had puddle of beverages left in my fridge, I manned up and decided to review lo-carb buzzed. Will lo-carb buzzed be great like Buzz Light-year, or dreaded like a buzz-cut?

FIRST IMPRESSION: Though I really liked the original buzzed energy can, I'm not so wild about lo-carb buzzeds can. The design is the same, but the colour scheme swap is awful. The orange just doesn't have the same spunk that the purple did, resulting in a disappointing can. I do like the weird multiple "z" logo, however. It's strange and tries its hardest to make up for the orange, but it's not enough. I can't say I'm all too thrilled to review lo-carb buzzed. Being that the original buzzed was a mediocre at best drink, I doubt lo-carb buzzed will fare much better.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts with a sudden blast of gumminess that quickly diminishes. Then a mild vanilla begins to surface, riding along side a sour bubble gum taste. The whole experience ends in a cloying, sickly sweet, and syrupy vanilla. For a sugar free energy drink, I really couldn't tell that it was sugar free, as the sweetness was similar to HFCS. Overall, while I would recommend lo-carb buzzed over original buzzed energy, there are a whole slew of energy drinks that I'd recommend over the both of them.

KICK: Each can contains: caffeine, Taurine, guarana, L-Carnitine, L-Tartrate, 200% of your daily intake of Vit. C, Riboflavin, Vit. B12, B6, and niacin. This overall blend gave me a fair to middling buzz. I experienced no jitters and had a decent amount of energy. It lasted around three or so hours, and after the three hours I did experience a noticeable drop in energy, but nothing to be considered a "crash."

FINAL WORD: lo-carb buzzed is neither the best nor the worst energy drink I've ever had. While I didn't struggling drinking it, I really didn't receive any pleasure either. It's evident through its laughably bad can design, run-of-the-mill taste, and average kick that lo-carb buzzed wasn't created for any reason other to ride of the success of Red Bull, and make a quick buck. lo-carb buzzed is a truly meaningless product that isn't worth it's $1.50 price tag...2.4/5

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