Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hype Enlite

Like I did with Rockstar Roasted Latte, I'm changing up my review style, though this time for no particular reason.

Since the two previous Hype's I've reviewed were small eight oz. cans, I decided to go for the larger sixteen oz. can with Hype Enlite. Hype Enlite is the low calorie version of, I assume, Hype original. While it's not completely sugar free, there's enough artificial sweetener to remove over half the calories. The can should feel at home among the other Hype's because it uses the same basic design with only a new background pattern and a colour change. But, the pink is just not working. Personally, I feel they should of just made the colour silver, like most other sugar free energy drinks- oh wait, Hype original's can was already silver, so I guess they kinda screwed themselves over with that.

Taste-wise, Enlite is a total complete Red Bull clone, and a boring one at that. The flavour starts out a heavily creamy vanilla, with a moderate amount of gumminess that overshadows a light apple. Then a faint bubble gum and citrus braid appears, with a noticeable sour bite. I say citrus because you can't really determine what citrus fruits are there, as the bubble gum and sourness dim it's strength. Enlite is mildly sweet, and has a hint of syrupiness towards the end. It goes down very smooth, with only a slight note of carbonation. While Hype Enlite successfully covered any traces of artificial sweeteners, it also covered any traces of originality.

Hype Enlite definitely kicked me harder than the other Hypes, but that's probably due to Enlite being twice as big. I was quite a bit more energized than I previously was, and I felt more focused. The lick lasted a respectable three or so hours, and with its end came no crash. This decent buzz was the result of: 160mg of caffeine, Taurine, ginseng, Niacin, Vit. B6, Vit. B12, and Pantothenic acid. All in all, Hype Enlite is one of those energy drinks you drink for a sufficient boost, and not for anything else.

official site

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