Monday, February 1, 2010

RED Light Sugar Free

I don't generally review sugar free energy drinks before the sugared version, but for a change of pace, I'm reviewing RED Light Sugar Free before RED Light Regular. I requested samples of RED Light earlier this year, and though I've had them for quite some time, only now am I getting around to reviewing them. My guess is that RED Light Sugar Free is marketed to the sophisticated party goer, which isn't a terribly common market for an energy drink, so while they may monopolize the market with ease, they may not have a lot of customers.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Like most sugar free energy drinks, RED Light S/F's bottle design is silver. Not that silver is a bad colour, it's just the way it's used that is bad. Silver reminds me of a bare aluminum can, where as the bottle's glass, which must create some sort of time alternating paradox. The colour choice isn't the only thing wrong with the bottle. Like All City, the design is shrink wrapped on, which while it doesn't look terrible, it feels unnatural. Alright, enough criticizing the design, now it's time to criticize the name. My biggest problem with the name is that it's confusing. Does the "light" in "RED Light" stand for the drink being light on sugar, or is it the brand name? Either way, while I like the fact that the bottle's glass, the design is just not memorable.

TASTE: RED Light Light pours out a cross between pink and red. Initially, the flavour is rather harshly bubbly, but as it dies down, a smooth and natural cranberry taste appears. Slowly, some cherry and pomegranate blend together and join the cranberry. Neither fruit taste artificial, and all of them have a good amount of sweetness. Underlying the prior mix, a sour melon begins to emerge. The sourness wasn't too pleasant, as it didn't fit with the rest of the flavour. A mildly bitter lime thankfully surfaces and masks the sour melon. The bitterness of lime wasn't overwhelming, and was short lived. The experience ends with a rise of sparkling fizz, and there's no aftertaste. The overall sweetness is kept low, which I think helped the drink avoid tasting sugar free. All in all, RED Light light's taste is reminiscent of a fruit punch, and a very good one at that. I quickly finished the entire bottle, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

KICK: RED Light Sugar Free's ingredient highlights include: L-Taurine, 90mg of Caffeine, ginseng, schizandra, thirty percent of your daily intake of Vit. C, and 100% of your daily intake of Niacin, Vit. B6, B12, and pantothenic acid. Once I finished the entire bottle, my energy level increased for two hours before I returned to normal. My mentality was slightly increased during that time, and I didn't crash.

FINAL WORD: There were things I really liked about RED Light Sugar Free, and there were things I didn't. Though I thoroughly enjoyed the taste, the bottle just didn't work with the colour, and the kick just didn't impress. But, RED Sugar Free isn't your typical energy drink. It's not intended to wow you with a powerful kick, so if I were to critique it to the market it attracts, then I guess the bottle is the only problem. I wouldn't buy RED Light Sugar Free for any reason other than taste, and unless your part of its intended market, then neither should you...3.1/5

official site

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