Thursday, March 4, 2010

amp Energy Juice Orange

amp Energy Juice Orange was just recently released, and surprisingly, amp sent me samples for review. I say surprisingly because I've constantly questioned the lines quality. But what ever the reason, I'm interested to see how their first 100% juice turns out. amp Juice Orange comes in a small twelve oz. bottle, and though the text gets a bit out hand, it's generally a pleasure to look at. The decision to come in a plastic bottle instead of a can like other juices do, is a smart move, if not risky. It might look out of place among all the cans on the shelf, but at the same time, it could potentially attract the typical juice drinker.

amp Orange beings with an initial cross between orange and tangerine, with the latter being stronger. As it sits in your mouth, the tangerine does greatly weaken, allowing the orange to grow and become the dominant. There's a subtle and mildly tart pineapple undertow that appears later in the experience, and right as the end approaches, it clashes with a small amount of papaya. amp Juice Orange is constantly smooth, and despite finishing clean, it just tastes too little like your typical juice and more like Sunny D by being a bit unbalanced and watered down.

amp Juice Orange's twelve oz. bottle contains: 120mg of caffeine, several B vitamins, vitamin C, guarana, ginseng, and vitamin E. This, while being vastly more powerful than your grandma's OJ, wasn't able to create a killer buzz. Though it did last a good two and a half hours, it just wasn't notable. Overall, I feel that amp Juice Orange is like a C student in school, doing the bare minimum to pass, without doing anything to become the cream of the crop.

official site

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