Monday, March 8, 2010

Pink Energy Drink Review

One of the last varieties left that Beaver Buzz sent to me is Pink Energy, and though, to my knowledge, it's not part of the line, it is made by the same company. Like the name suggests, Pink Energy's can is pink, and to further stereotype women, there's a lip stick kiss mark towards the bottom of it. Is that really necessary? The name and colour scheme are both obviously intended to attract females, which in my book is okay, but it goes a bit overboard with the lips. But aside from that, the design is clean and the text is to the point, so aside from the mild sexism, the can actually looks good.

Pink pours out a slightly lighter shade of pink than that of the can, which I guess makes sense because if it was too dark, it would look unnatural. The flavour begins tame, but as it moves across your taste buds, a rather realistic grapefruit taste appears with a mild note of sweetness that matches the sweetness found in a real grapefruit. This ends up being the major focus of the experience, which is a good thing as grapefruit is rarely associated with energy drinks. There's a small amount of a tart lemon that develops near the end of the experience, but there's a slight sugar free aftertaste that overshadows it. The overall flavour to Pink is actually quite good and refreshing, but it's not very complex, which in itself isn't a bad thing, it doesn't help prevent it from eventually becoming boring.

Pink Energy not only contains a healthy amount of sugar(none), but also a healthy amount of caffeine(120mg), Taurine, ginseng, guarana, and A, C, and B vitamins. This ingredient cocktail provided me with a decent buzz. It lasted a bit over two and a half hours, and once that was over I didn't crash. All in all, while I applaud Pink for its thirst-quenching grapefruit taste, there are just too many problems in the overall product that prevent it from standing out amongst the other sugar free energy drinks.

official site

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