Saturday, July 20, 2013

AeroShot Lime Energy Shot Review

These AreoShots has been staring at me on the shelves of several convenience stores for some time now, but a combination of its high price tag and few (and generally negative) reviews have turned me off, until now of course. As caffeine you breath in but do not inhale, this is probably the most utterly bizarre energy product in a long time, if not of all time.

The size of lip balm and equally cheap in the palm, a fine grain coats most of my mouth upon my first breath in. There is incredibly little flavor- oh wait, scratch that, a bit of lime pokes through, and then lets in a nasty bitterness that is equally chemically and organically vulgar. The lime is deprived of depth, absent is any tartness or citrus goodness. An experience where you need a chaser, preferably something strong; like a potent energy drink, so you can just toss out this nearly three buck anathema (and make sure it is lime flavored too). On the company's FAQ's section of their website, they make mention of the bitterness here, to quote, to "... keep things interesting." It is interesting, all right, washing down expensive badness with its competition.

Each tube has 100 milligrams of caffeine, and some B vitamins. The kick hits you fast and lasts as long as it can, around two or so hours. Overall, the product here is loutish and underdeveloped, never reaching its lofting ambitions. It is nothing but a glorified tongue powder in a cool tube.

official site

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