Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Phyzix Tropical Flavor Energy Drink Review

This bright can of creamy yellow and orange, fits the bill of a "tropical" energy drink. Its name is a corruption of the word "physics" and is hyper stylized; I have no qualms about it. But its small size, a petite eight ounces, is outdated on store shelves today, and its silver belt, you know, where it declares the flavor? It is difficult to read white text off of chrome.

The flavor to Phyzix Tropical Flavor is, well, tropical, tons of sweet pineapple with a rounded nether belly of fresh orange. The effervescence, along with the green tea, are briskly rough, a powerful and pungent juxtaposition to the sunny fruits. There is surprisingly quality acidity here, a tartness so organic with the sapors that it almost comes off generic. The can heralds coconut water as an ingredient, however this is an experience zealous to the citrus and the aloha-shirt staple. Fructose, erythritol and Stevia sweeten things around here, though only seventeen grams of the real sweet stuff, any nastiness is cloaked inside the embonpoint saccharinity. Overall, a fun beverage for sure, but nothing new in the realm of energy drinks; we recently espied Red Bull the Yellow Edition with a similar taste.

Each can contains: fifteen percent juice, B vitamins, guarana, green tea, ginseng, maca root, yerba mate, l-tyrosine, vitamin C, and eighty milligrams of caffeine. The buzz is your usual hour-long kick, one that, along with the pleasant taste, makes you wish the can was the standard sixteen ounce one.

official site

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