Saturday, June 18, 2016

Phyzix Acai Berry Flavor Energy Drink Review

This is a fun little can, one who sadly is too little for much relevance on todays cluttered energy drink shelves. The drink is of course Phyzix, a name that follows the rule that putting a "z" and "x" in your name instantly makes it cool.

The pomegranate launches into first place with first sip, a gentle flavor that is a pleasant juxtaposition to the curt carbonation. Acai is unfortunately muted here, serving more as intricacy to the aforementioned flavor more so than on its own, introducing an earthy bite to the already incult effervescence. Saccharinity is achieved via fructose, twenty one grams of real sugar, one that caters to the naturalness of the experience and not necessarily the fruits. The white grape, often a superfluous ingredient to bulk out a juice content, does just that here, and any sips it can break into it brings nothing but ribald sugariness. The experience climaxes without climax, an unsatisfying end where things simply stop suddenly, leaving a very clean aftertaste but nothing to remind you of your current potation. In the end, this is a more daring drink than the other Phyzix, but lamentably that is about all distinct here.

There is eighty milligrams of caffeine, some guarana, ginseng, green tea, maca root, yerba mate, and B vitamins, among others. Any kick is about what you would expect from an eight ounce can with the aforesaid quantity of my namesake; about an hour and a half long buzz.

official site

1 comment:

  1. The best berry blast flavored drink I have come across. The goodness of multivitamins, berries and fruit flavors in every sip, this summer drink is the perfect energizer for a long sunny day. You can find this amazing drink at
