Sunday, August 21, 2016

E-ON Almond Rush Energy Drink Review

This frustratingly colored can is incredibly difficult to photograph, so you will just have to take my word that it is called "Almond Rush." Its grid background of disinteresting silver hides the tiny text designed for the consumer to read, but I guess it does not help that the aforesaid fonts are also argentate.

Trepidatious first sip exposes a surprisingly tasty, and familiar tasting, taste. Its citrusy with a fizzy effervescence that bodes beautifully with the furrowing acidity, something we can only assume it has to do with the tenuous two percentage of juice. Sweetness, thirty seven grams exclusively of cane sugar, does a wonderful job here, sanctioning the sourness to pucker your lips without letting it dominate the twelve ounces. We taste lemon and grapefruit, both spirited renditions both playful and earthy, as if some of their zest was mixed in to this cocktail. The organic taste has a bitter depth to it, and there is a nutty nuance beneath that, every imbibe is layered with intricacy and oddities regardless as to whether or not the experience needed them.

Each can contains: taurine, l-carnitine, guarana, B vitamins and 142 milligrams of caffeine. Any buzz lasts less than two hours, a fairly mediocre burst of energy that is kindred to hundreds of other drinks. In the end, E-ON Almond Rush tastes almost nothing like almonds, and "rush" describes neither the flavor or kick appropriately.

official site

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