Friday, August 5, 2016

Mega Man E-Tank Energy Drink Review

Mega Man E-Tank is another one of those Boston America Corp. products, and its can is another shrink-wrapped one that still feels super cheap and unimpressive, considering its $3.50 plus price tag (with prices like that, you understand why there are ads on the site now). At least the design is decent and clean, but it feels as if they just tossed Mega Man and his logo on a blue-gradient background.

Lots of blue raspberry here, a puckeringly tart and nearly comically artificial, each sip has a murky lime bite and bubble gum stained sweetness. There is a distant, lingering cranberry fullness to the body, an unexpected richness to the mouthfeel and the experience's only nod to anything natural. The saccharinity, twenty seven grams of inexpensive high fructose corn syrup, distances itself from its usual syrupiness, but its texture remains uninteresting and dimensionless. Carbonation is another surprise here, a mild effervescence that helps solidify the potation's playful poise.

Each can contains: B vitamins, taurine, caffeine, guarana, ginseng, and inositol. The buzz is banausic, lasting an hour and certainly not enough to refill Mega Man's health bar. Overall, this is a licensed drink. Nothing more, and unfortunately, sometimes less.

official site

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