Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Rockstar Blackout Energy Drink Review

How this new Rockstar variety, Blackout, is any different from the original brand entry is beyond me; the can gives minimal explanation as to what the hell "Blackout" means, although that does make for a far cleaner can than the company is accustomed to creating.

The color inside the can is unfortunate, an elixir painted gold and not the namesake ebony. The flavor is mysterious, a muddled cocktail of vanilla, blueberry, and blackberry, all tied together by a humdrum saccharinity that teeters on the brink of becoming syrupy. Acidity is nonexistent, every sip lacking a certain tartness that would give its tedious taste texture- and its disturbingly calm effervescence is helping no cause. It is an experience defined by banausic characteristics and an overall plodding personality, a sometimes functional flavor that is let down by its intense apathy in taking chances. A completely generic tasting drink.

Each can contains: caffeine (160 milligrams), taurine, guarana, l-carnitine, inositol, ginseng and B vitamins. Any kick is woefully average, lasting three hours, and contains all the jitters fifty eight grams of sugar can cause. In the end, Rockstar Blackout is simultaneously both more and less than the anticipated Red Bull clone it ended up being.

official site


  1. Yep, no idea what this was but it was just a sugar high for me. Nothing else.

  2. I drank this yesterday and could barely distinguish it from the original, however my girlfriend stated that it tasted more like banana than anything.. so maybe they switched up the original from acidic pineapple to acidic banana? Overall it wasn't terrible and not overly syrupy like the original to me

    1. You clearly haven't drank enough of the regular rockstars, any real energy drinker can tell the difference with their eyes closed

    2. You clearly haven't drank enough of the regular rockstars, any real energy drinker can tell the difference with their eyes closed

  3. This is the best energy drink i have ever had! You are crazy!

  4. There's 135 mg more sodium in it and a couple different ingredients.

  5. There's 135 mg more sodium in it and a couple different ingredients.

  6. I tasted it today. It seems to me that it tastes very much like Red Bull.

  7. Hits the back of the tongue with a subtle sweetness, minus the tartness from the original. Refreshing, in my opinion.

  8. That's just like...your opinion, man.

  9. Tastes like a worse NOS, in my opinion.

  10. @ the guy earlier
    Noone is saying its bad, its just not much different from the original.

    Regarding the differences, to me it tastes less citrus-y. Also the can looks cooler. I was thinking it would be like Mountain Dew's black label, but no it tastes like the original flavor but a little softer.

  11. Energy drinks like nuke,and bullet,have came out, really making that black label, a novelty,something like addressing a no name energy drink phenomenon ,for example coke bought a series of brands out recently.

  12. This drink contains No high fructose corn syrup, no aspartame , no sucralose. It has real sugar and I think it's a good smooth flavor. I like it better then the Organic Rockstar and our local price is 2 for $3 or $3.33. twice the amount of drink for way less then Red Bull. Count me in.

  13. Taste like a red bull to me. The original one had a more bitter taste

  14. This was my favorite energy drink but I haven't seen it for months now! Tastes a bit like Red Bull but better flavor, kick, and price. Please tell me I'm just not looking hard enough for it - and not that it's going away...

  15. I like this one. It doesnt really do much energy wise for me but it tastes good. Kind of a banana taste.

  16. You'r right, it tastes more like RedBull than Rockstar original.
