Friday, May 12, 2017

Juice Monster Ripper Energy Drink Review

Juice Monster Ripper, aside from having a clumsy name, is supposedly a retooling of their previous drink M-80, though internet-only evidence is usually wafer-thin. But its can is a disappointment in either case, a revoltingly neon orange color, creamy but so relentlessly bright that it fatigues your eyes. There is no variation here, nothing interesting save for its textured aluminum, and even that is disenchanting.

Sips are wretched in offensive saccharinity, fifty grams of the sweet stuff and the potation's weak twenty percentage of juice (apple, passion fruit, pineapple, orange and lemon). But even the trained tongue can only taste the first three; the latter two flavors are quite inconsequential. What your palate can detect is fairly pleasant, a complex cocktail of nectars, however their honesty and idiosyncrasies are mislaid by the potable's unflagging sweetness, which dilutes their distinctions and transmutes them into parodies of their natural selves. Effervescence is muted, perfunctory carbonation that does only what the name "carbonated water" suggests.

Potency is another weak spot here, with a kick that lasts just two and a half hours. Each can contains: B vitamins, taurine, ginseng, guarana, inositol, and 152 milligrams of caffeine. In the end, a dissatisfying flavor, perturbed visuals and cursory kick puts the "RIP" in "Ripper."

official site

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