Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Carabao Mandarin Orange Energy Drink Review

Mandarin Orange is the flavor, so orange is the color. It all makes sense on this unremarkable looking drink, but it cuts out any unnecessary fluff and goes straight into telling you what it is and is not.

Your first sip tricks you; your tongue lulled into a false sense of familiarity of orange. It is overly sweet with just a hint of sourness, carbonated like any such soft drink would. Then only moments later into your imbibe, a secondary blast of citrus rocks your mouth, far more potent piece of produce with an earthy nuance that pierces your unprepared palate: it is the mandarin. Props to Carabao for actually showcasing the subtly between the two, at least in the realm of power potables. There is not one second here where the "flavoring" resembled anything found in the real world, but we get two very distinct tastes, and that is much appreciated. All this happens within the first handful of gulps, so by the time only a drip or two remains inside the aluminum walls, you have familiarized yourself with its tricks, so you reflect at a surprising but otherwise standard experience.

The interwebs inform me that each can contains 105 milligrams of caffeine, an amount OK considering its sub-sixteen ounce size and responsible for the few hours long buzz. Other ingredients include B vitamins, taurine and inositol. All in all, Carabao Mandarin Orange sipped with moderate finesse, and considering I bought a can on-sale for only a buck, I am not disappointed. 

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