Thursday, April 13, 2023

Red Bull The Summer Edition Juneberry Energy Drink Review

Jelly beans and chocolate bunnies still populate store shelves, if only in deep discount, yet here is Red Bull with their annual "Summer Edition." This time it is a first for the world-renowned Caffeine King, juneberry, though in just a few short moments we will learn if it at all matters. The can is what we have come to expect from the brand, though I cannot help but recall the company's "Blue Edition" from a few years back. Sure it is a bit brighter this time around, but if I offer an energy drink three seconds to convince me to buy it, this confusion is not helpful.

The flavor is a knockout, busting at the seams with life and fun. At just twelve ounces, there is more personality here than in so many other lackluster lumps of leftover liquids I so often review; each time my lips return to the open slit atop the can, heavy notes of blueberry, granny smith apple and guava all appear but shift in priority. Some mouthfuls leaning more heavily into the sweetness, while others play up the potable's puckering sourness, and soon I found myself violently shaking the now-empty metal transport, trying desperately to experience every single drop. Sugar and glucose sweeten alone, free of the diet honey and its sometimes synthetic aftertaste; here, you can feel the carbohydrates between your teeth like candy to a child. It may not be the most original production, but damn does this taste good.

Red Bull's biggest weakness has always been its kick, and the hour and a half long buzz it offers here is no different. With just 114 milligrams of my namesake chemical, you toss the empty vessel in recycling feeling like you need another energy drink, and not necessarily another Red Bull.

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