Sunday, September 3, 2023

G Fuel Tetris Blast Energy Drink Review

Why is Tetris the basis for an energy drink? What flavor could "Tetris Blast" be? These are unknowns until one buys and drinks a can, and a shrink wrapped one at that. But it is ok; it visually encapsulates the video game with bright colors and, perhaps more importantly, those ever-famous block shapes.

Cotton candy, perhaps the only favor that makes sense here, was an initial surprise upon first sip. It is mostly a generic tutti fruitti facsimile, but blend of sucralose and ace-k bring only the benefits of diet sugars and leave the artificial aftertaste obligation behind. But the biggest shock comes at the climax of an imbibe, a pleasant "Sweet Tart" candy taste. And although this adds sugariness to an already saccharine experience, it introduces a critical element, a powdery tartness. This right here makes the drink a joy to consume, as gulp after gulp tickled the back of my throat with effervescent feathers.

Potency remains the most impressive element to the brand, with 300 milligrams of caffeine provide a solid three and a half hour long kick. Other ingredients include b vitamins, vitamin c, amino acids, and extracts. In the end, Tetris Blast is the best G Fuel to date, which simultaneously says a lot and not much.

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