Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ole' Energy Drink

Now, major props to Robert McLellan for sending me a sample of Ole' Energy. Well, it really wasn't a sample, because he sent me four(4) cans... for free! Anyway, I was just amazed when I read an email saying that he would send me some, I felt so special. People on the Internet are so nice... I got these drinks sometime mid October, and I'm just getting around to reviewing them now. I was saving them for now. And some other big news, this is my hundredth energy drink review. I really can't believe that I've kept doing this since 7/21/07. Thank you anyone who has kept with me since the beginning.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can for Ole' is simple, almost overly simple. But its a sleek looking simple. Kinda like a perfume bottle. The red writing on a black back round is pleasant to the eye. Could have been better, but the elegant approach really isn't all to popular with energy drink, so its kinda refreshing to see a can like Ole'. Some energy drink can's are too cluttered, while some are too blank and/or empty. But I think Ole' lands in the middle of those two(2) categories...3.9/5

TASTE: Now, to be honest, I was expecting another Red Bull clone, mainly because the can lacks any kind of indication of the flavour. Upon taking a swig, I was hit by a Red Bull taste, but then, out of fucking nowhere, a Sweet Tart flavour kicks in to over drive. I mean, this taste exactly like Sweet Tarts candy. Its super sweet, tart, and does down way to easy. The after taste, too much shock, taste like you ate a bag of Sweet Tarts. I have to say that this is right up there for my favorite energy drink I've ever laid my taste buds on. I really wish that I could get Ole' somewhere around here in Massachusetts, because I live in Maine. Overall, the taste is very unique and should be better well known because of the taste alone...4.9/5

KICK: Anyone ever heard of ADX7, anyone. No, well neither have I. This is apparently what Ole' uses for its kick. I don't know what it is, but I can say it sure worked. Ole' contains some of the weirdest ingredients I've ever seen in an energy drink. Each can contains: aralia mashurica, rhaponticum carthamoides, rhodiola rosea, B Vitamin Complex, L-carnitine, L-glutamine, taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, and electrolytes. Yeah, when I said weirdest ingredients, I meant weirdest ingredients. But, the ingredients did provide one hell of a kick...4.3/5

FINAL WORD: Well, I can surly say that Ole' was one fine product. It's a unique experience and everyone should try it. I'm really glad that I got to review it. And thank you Robert McLellan for sending me some. You are officially off my list of people to kill before I die...4.5/5

official site

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