Sunday, March 8, 2009

amp Lightning

When I reviewed GURU Lemonade, I was disappointed in fact that it didn't taste like Coolah(though no points were deducted because of that), but light has once again shined upon me in my search of the great Coolah replacement, with the rather recent release of amp Lightning. amp Lightning is one of the newest flavours put out by Pepsi of their popular amp line of energy drinks. And guess what flavour it is? You have three seconds, is it a) fish, b) A-1 Steak Sauce, or c) lemonade? If you guessed a) or b), your a complete noob fag that nobody likes, but if you guessed c), your right. What, whats your prize? A boat. "A boat Chuck?" Yes, a boat....

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can stands out pretty well among other energy drinks, which are usually black or red. I also find that "Lightning" fits well with the billed lemonade flavour. In true amp fashion, there's a real lack of energy ingredients in this, which though not unexpected, is still disappointing. Overall, a real eye grabber can, but sadly laced with a lack of energy ingredients...3.8/5

TASTE: I opened the can and was greeted by the scent of Lemon Heads, a real nostalgic candy. The taste is best described as sweet lemon flavour, which soon fades away, leaving a sticky coating of sugar with a hint of lemon in your mouth. Reminds me of Lemon Heads dissolved into a drink. I find that its a little too sweet and syrupy, and not as tart as I would have liked, but I still really like the flavour, no, scratch that, love the flavour. One complaint I do find with the flavour is that it leaves a weird artificial sweetener taste in your mouth. Overall, while lacking the tartness of tired and true lemonade tagged with a rather disgusting after taste, its still the best tasting energy drink in the amp line and probably the closest thing to Coolah as I'm gonna get...4.5/5

KICK: Like most of the energy drinks out there, when a drink excels in one category, its likely to fail in another, and amp Lightning is no exception. Each can contains: 200% of Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, 160mg of caffeine, 200mg of L-Carnitine, and only 396mg of Taurine. This rather pathetic blend of ingredients gave me a mediocre boast at best, consisting of only minor jitters and twitches, without feeling very alert. Overall, it kicks more like a soda than an energy drink...2.3/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I find amp Lightning is a pretty good extension of the amp line. Lemonade isn't usually a flavour you associate with energy drinks, as only a few have dong it, meaning it wasn't as rushed as most other energy drinks are. As a Coolah replacement, this is pretty close, but no cigar. All in all, I find that amp Lightning is a great overly expensive sixteen oz. soda. I can't see myself drinking this like fifty year olds drink Diet Coke, but I can say that I can see myself buying this again...3.5/5

official site

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