Other than the fact that I'm too lazy to get a new energy drinks to review, its that I've been having trouble finding new energy drinks to review. Big Lots, the Dollar Tree, Wal*Mart have all had the same energy drinks for the longest time, so finding new ones to review is beginning to become a chore. That's why there's been a long time between reviews lately. And the pressure of doing another review was getting larger with every day that passed, so I finally found a review that I did a while ago, but I thought it was too short, and decided not to publish it, but with the lack of new energy drinks around me, I figured I try to beef it up with more details and release it. So here is the long lost Bawls Guarana Exxtra review, enjoy.
One line of "energy" drinks I never got around to fully review is Bawls. While I have reviewed Bawls Cherry, I haven't reviewed any others, until today when I decided to review Bawls Guarana Exxtra. Now, I know that Bawls isn't an energy drink per say, its just an overly caffeinated drink, that apparently got a make over, and part of that make over is fifty percent more caffeine. And what better way to make some crazed psycho who calls him self the "Caffeine King" than putting fifty percent more caffeine? Give me some else besides my hand to show me love? Yeah, the second one...
FIRST IMPRESSION: The cans not offensive, but nothing spectacular. The white works well with the blue-ness of the logo, but it looks too sugar free. When you glance at the can, your immediate thought is that its sugar free. This isn't a good sign. Though, on the bright side, it doesn't trick you into thinking your getting a sugared version...3/5
TASTE: The taste is best described as seltzer water with a hint of sweetness. The flavour isn't strong and goes way very quickly. You can't taste the artificial sweeteners in it. Overall, the taste is pretty decent, but only if you enjoy seltzer water. I do find that its easier to drink than regular seltzer water, though this may be because of its hint of sweetness...3/5
KICK: Each can contains only... well, 150 mg. of caffeine. That's it, no vitamins, minerals, no taurine, nothing but caffeine. This mi-ingredient gave a terribly weak buzz, that lasted around an hour or two. Bawls simply can't compete with the other energy drinks, though they do have there own niche in the market...2/5
FINAL WORD: Overall, I feel that Bawls Guarana Exxtra is a decent drink, though its still not the best out there. For $1.99, and your looking for a powerful energy drink, you might as well stick with a Monster or a RockStar. I will how ever give them credit were credit is due, I don't know of any other drink that has the balls to name there drink Bawls.
official site
Nice...first energy drink review I've read with a masturbation reference!