Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Venom Low Carb Mojave Rattler

First of all, I apologize for the lack of constant reviews lately. Not only has my computer been shutting off unexpectedly, but I recently got hit by a horrible cold. So, reviewing time has been spotty. Anyway, on to the review. Back in '08 I reviewed Venom Black Mamba and was really disappointed. The can really impressed me, but the flavour and kick left something to be desired. I never planned on reviewing the lo-cal version, but after a request, I grew some balls and bought it.

FIRST IMPRESSION: I feel that the can to Mojave Rattler is better than the can of Black Mamba. Though the design is the same, I feel that the purple colour fits it better than the red. The design is still kick ass and really pops off the shelf among the red and black energy drinks. I wouldn't say that I'm terribly excited to try Mojave Rattler, mainly because the sugar free version is usually worse than the sugared version, and I really didn't like the original. Overall, the can is one of, if not the best energy drink can I've ever seen, but should I judge a book by its cover?

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour is hard to describe. It starts out with a dull Red Bull flavour, that soon fades away and ends with a citrus bite. The sugar substitute works well by not leaving any sugar free after taste. I can't say that I'm impressed with the flavour, but I'd have to say that it is better tasting than Black Mamba. Black Mamba was too sweet, but in Mojave, the sweetness is drastically reduced, making a much better tasting drink. Overall, Mojave Rattler is a decent at best tasting energy drink.

KICK: Each can contains: Carbonated Water, sugar, glucose, citric acid, taurine, natural and artificial flavors, ginseng extract, caffeine, sucralose, vitmin b3, guarana, vitamin b6, riboflavin, and vitamin b12. This blend gave me a decent bump, but nothing great. For around three or so hours I had some jitters and a mildly raised alertness.

FINAL WORDE: Overall, I feel that Venom Mojave Rattler is a decent overall energy drink. While the can is amazing, the flavour and kick just fail to meet expectations set by the can. I really wish that companies would stop making energy drinks that just rely on one thing. Some only rely on the can, some only rely on the taste, when will this trend end? If Dr Pepper wants Venom to sell, there gonna have to do better than this. Why don't they just add an energy blend to Dr Pepper and bottle that? It would sure taste better. It amazes me why companies are so money hungry that they would trick people with a great can and give them a flavour that they have had dozens of times. Overall, while the can is impressive, the taste and kick are just not as strong as the can...3/5

Official site

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