Monday, May 4, 2009

Black Jack Gunpowder Energy Tea

Black Jack Gunpowder Energy Tea is an energy drink that I have seen everywhere, but never picked up. Market Basket, Big Lots, Hannafords all sell it, but I never really was motivated to buy one. But after several boring trips to Big Lots, I had little left there to review. Black Jack Energy Tea is made by the Polar Beverage Company, who are known for making bizarre flavoured seltzer waters. While I'm not too excited to try Black Jack Energy Tea, I am interested to see how Polar Beverage's first energy product turns out.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can features a generic pirate hovering over the drinks logo, an eighty eighty cents flag, and a green back round, which while appropriate, I don't like. The green doesn't really jump off the shelf as much as it could, and a little more emphasis on the pirate would have been nice. The slogan, "Treasure the Taste," I think fits the pirate image, but I don't think it fits an energy drink too well. Usually companies say how powerful there drink is or how much energy it has, but never really focused on the taste, so, in that form Polar Beverage gets kudos points from me for being unique, even if its not really all too fitting.

TASTE: I opened the can and a gold non-carbonated liquid comes out. The flavour is best described as light citrus flavour that's not too sweet or tart. The citrus flavour then ends rather quickly and a faint tea taste takes over. The tea taste isn't overbearing, but isn't the best tasting. The citrus taste consists of mostly lemon, but there is some mild lime hints as well. While my initial thoughts were that the flavour was pretty good, the flavour soon grew very syrupy almost to the point of it being undrinkable.

KICK: Each can contains: caffeine, 100% of Niacin, Vit. B12, 240% of Vit. B6, and eighty% of Vit. B2. The blend is seriously lacking some key ingredients and because of this a near pathetic kick was received on my part. A sad one hour buzz that was filled with a briefly raised alertness and no twitches.

FINAL WORD: Though I doubt that Polar made Black Jack Energy Tea with caffeine guru's in mind, that doesn't excuse it from being one of the worst drinks ever to be graced by the word "energy." The can, the taste, and the kick have all been bad, which still amazes me. There is nothing redeemable through out the whole experience of the drink, except maybe reaching the end of the drink. Though it's Polar Bev.'s first stab in the energy drink market, some might think I should go easy on them, you know, by saying, "its there first energy product, let them learn from there mistakes"- no, they should learn from others mistakes. If a boys father beats his wife and then goes to jail, do you think that boy is gonna beat his wife? Hell no, he's gonna treat her like royalty. Plus, if there gonna label the drink as an "energy" drink, I'm gonna treat it like an energy drink. I don't do babying. Overall, Black Jack Energy Tea is a drink that could of been good, but in the end it was all just a syrupy mess...1.8/5

official site

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