Saturday, August 8, 2009

Archer Farms Green Tea Infused Sugar Free Raspberry

Target has never been my favorite super store. While they may be cleaner and treat their employees better than most, they just don't have the same deals and products as their competition. But they do have one thing over some, and that's their own energy drink line. Target's Archer Farms line doesn't exclusively exist for their energy drinks, but instead for their more premium products. And apparently, a juice flavoured twelve oz. sugar free energy drink that contains no juice is premium. Now, given the line's history, I'm quite excited to try Archer Farms Sugar Free Raspberry. Though I'm not expecting wonders for the kick, I am, however, expecting wonders for the taste.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can to Archer Farms Sugar Free Raspberry is pretty bare. Other than the red/pink dazzling effect at the bottom, the can consists of just a bare silver backdrop, and is cluttered with unnecessary text towards the bottom. Not only is the cluttered text a sight for sore eyes, it also makes figuring out what to call this drink more difficult than it has to be. For a premium energy drink, I was expecting something less amateurish and more professional.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a tart raspberry flavour, that is more noticeable towards the end. The raspberry taste is really authentic, and is not too sweet. After the initial flavour, there's this strong tart/sweet bite that finishes the experience. All in all, I'm impressed with the taste of Archer Farms Sugar Free Raspberry. While it's not overly complex, it's at least refreshing, and at only fifteen calories it's not a guilty pleasure.

KICK: Each can contains: fifteen calories, one gram of sugar, thirty% of your daily intake of Vit. C, twenty% of your daily intake of calcium, guarana, fifty seven mg of EGCG, and only seventy mg of caffeine. This less than average blend gave me a pretty weak kick. For only around an hour or so I felt mild aware of my surroundings, and had no jitters. But on the plus side, there was no crash.

FINAL WORD: After all is said and done, I have to say that Archer Farms Green Tea Infused Sugar Free Raspberry is a below average energy drink. While I really enjoyed the flavour, the poor can and kick just bring the overall score down. It's a shame that Archer Farms Raspberry had such a bad can and kick. With a drink with so much potential, it just disappoints. I was promised 100% satisfaction, and I have to say, I want a refund. All in all, for $1.49, the drink is simply not worth it. Unless all you care about is great taste with low sugar, you should skip Archer Farms Sugar Free Raspberry...2.9/5

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