FIRST IMPRESSION: Before I start, I have to say that taking a picture of Encaff was really difficult. After many poor pictures I found that taping the packet to the back of a notebook worked quite well, but it still wasn't enough to get a good picture. Anyway, I like the packet to Encaff Energy Stix. The black background really lets the funky neon swirls stand out and do their job. The design is clean with only the logo, slogan, weight and "up to 6 hours of Power" for text. The only problem I have with the packet is that there is no flavour indication. While I know that there is only one flavour(black cherry) and that this packet isn't for individual sale, it still would have been nice to still have it. Other than this the packet is clean and attractive.
TASTE: I ripped off the top of the packet and poured some of the contents on my tongue. The flavour starts out with a heavy black cherry taste that is quickly taken over by a sweet cherry flavour. The black cherry taste is rather overbearing, but thankfully it gets overthrown by a much more pleasant candy-like cherry flavour. If you put smaller amounts of the powder on your tongue the black cherry taste isn't nearly as strong, which I recommend doing. After I finished the first packet I was so impressed that I immediately ripped open a second one, but sadly it wasn't as good as the first. Perhaps it was too much too soon. Either way Encaff Energy Stix is still delicious, but I recommend waiting a while before you have another.
KICK: This is the where Encaff starts to lose its luster. Each packet contains, well seventy five mg of caffeine. While I didn't get a powerful or long lasting buzz or, I did receive a rather quick kick. In around ten to fifteen or so minutes after consuming two packets I began to feel more alert and energized. This lasted around two and a half to three hours. Once the the two+ hours was over I gradually drifted back to my normal mentality. All in all the kick is definitely the weakest part of Encaff Energy Stix.
FINAL WORD: Overall, I'm impressed with Encaff Energy Stix. While the kick is in need of a tune up, the attractive package and great candy-like taste make up for it. I feel that Encaff Stix is a great stepping stone for the relatively new and bare energy powder category. I hope that this market will grow and use Encaff as an inspiration of what to do and what not to do. All in all, if your looking to combine your caffeine and Pixie Stix addiction, then Encaff Energy Stix is worth a buy...3.9/5
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I have also personally tried the Energy Stic by Encaff. Very cool idea! I would concur with this review, but I would also add that personally I got quite a jolt from just 1 pack, and that I think this is why only 75mg was chosen by the manufacturer--can you imagine some teenager slamming 10 of these? I think its best to leave the dose relatively low and just take 2 packs if you want a bigger buzz (or make 2 or 3 versions--lite, regular, and ultra...50/75/150mg each). Overall cool idea, its works, and I can't wait for more flavors! :)
ReplyDeleteI got a sample of Encaff Stix Tuesday in New York. I'm no teenager from the last post but this stuff is pretty good. I stay up late to hang out with friends and party. I'm a beer drinker and can't just chug a Redbull or Monster.
ReplyDeleteIt's cool that its a powder and that there are other energy "powders" out there but this one is by far the best.