Friday, April 23, 2010

amp Sugar Free Lightning Energy Drink Review

amp S/F Lightnings can is no more of an improvement over the other varieties in the line. There's still too much text, and the can just feels impersonal. I'm not too keen on the "shock of lemonade flavour" line, as it's a bit too large and feels more like something that should be on the back of the can. S/F Lightning, like regular amp sugar free, has a black on silver colour scheme, but here, it doesn't work as it clashes with the yellow.

I really enjoyed the taste of amp Lightning, and at 220 calories a can, it was a bit of a guilty pleasure. But at a much slimmer twenty calories a can, amp s/f Lightning isn't so much of a guilty pleasure, but then again, it's not much of a pleasure at all. It begins with a spike of light carbonation, followed by an artificially sweet artificial lemon taste. The fake sugar taste doesn't last that long, but when it appears it's a bit overwhelming. There's a mild sourness present that isn't strong enough to taste natural with that of the fruit. The experience ends indistinctly with only a small amount of lemon to it. s/f Lightning goes down smooth and doesn't leave much of an aftertaste, which seems to be the only real positive thing I can say about the flavour. The can claims the liquid inside it has a shock of lemonade flavour, but in reality it lacks several staples usually found in lemonade, namely a pronounced tartness, sourness, and a vibrant taste.

Typical is the only way to describe the potency behind amp low-cal Lightning. Its energy cocktail contains the usual: riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, taurine, caffeine(160mg), guarana, and ginseng. I had a kick that lasted just under three hours, and I didn't crash. All in all, if the average kick was the final nail on the coffin for amp Sugar Free Lightning, then the first two nails were its ugly can and bland taste.

official site

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