Friday, April 9, 2010

rip it G-Force Energy Drink Review

rip it G-Force's can isn't as appealing or as sexy as the past two rip its I've reviewed, mainly because the purple colour used doesn't mesh well with the design. It's too light, and it doesn't match the light gray/silver pattern terribly well. But on the positive side, I do like how towards the bottom of the can under the sub name, it says what its billed flavour is. Though with a name like "G-Force" and a purple can, it does seem a bit obvious that it's grape.

G-Force pours out a much darker shade of purple than the can is, and is almost opaque. Taste-wise, G-Force initially is very sweet and the grape is artificial and slightly syrupy. But then the grape loses most of its artificiality and grows more natural; more smooth and deep. Once the flavour becomes natural, the sweetness level decreases and there's a now noticeable tartness underlying. The experience ends rather suddenly, and with a clean finish. There's not much complexity to flavour, but what's present doesn't need it. Simplicity is key in the experience of G-Force, and thought it's not what I'd call thirst quenching, it's a solid flavour.

G-Force's energy cocktail is just as impressive as its taste: caffeine(200mg), taurine, inositol, guarana, vitamin C and several B vitamins. The amount of each ingredient is higher than any rip it yet, and since other rip its gave a great buzz, G-Force gave an even better one. I received a strong sugar rush that lasted for two hours, and the other ingredients extended it for another two hours. I did crash hard after the four hours, which is a disappointment. All in all, while in each category rip it G-Force had some negative moments, they didn't weigh enough to outweigh the positive ones.

official site

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