Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vuka Renew Energy Drink Review

Vuka Renew is the first of four that the Vuka company recently sent me, and for no particular reason, I'm choosing it first to review. It comes in a thick aluminum can, similar to the Venom line, but where Venom went for the aggressive look, Vuka chose a simple, if not elegant design. It's clean and there's no real unnecessary text. The green colour is perhaps my least favorite aspect of the can, mainly as it reminds me too much of peas, which isn't something an energy drink should remind someone of.

The billed flavour is the popular "mango peach," which is more or less an accurate description of the taste. It begins a light and crisp peach that's end tail is sweetly sour and a bit earthy. There's then aspects of tartness that become noticeable as a realistic mango taste appears. There's a distinct authenticity to the peach and mango, with both having a perfect amount of sweetness to complement the fruit. Following are notes of pear and lime, although the pear is stronger than the lime, which only briefly appears as the initial sourness is present. The experience ends with no real bite, although there's a small amount of natural tasting bitterness that, along with some slightly syrupy sweetness, continues on as the main body of the flavour finishes. Vuka Renew is smooth going down, but not smooth enough that you'll finish the entire can before you properly and fully enjoy it.

As the subname suggests, Vuka Renew is not only supposed to energize you, but also restore you to your normal self. And though the latter may be difficult to prove, Renew did give me some energy lasting around three hours. I didn't get any jitters, though there was a noticeable sugar spike. Each can contains: caffeine(160), several B vitamins, taurine, D-Ribose, ginseng, and grape seed extract. In the end, while Vuka Renew may not excel in any one category, its overall above average quality is spread about even throughout the entire product.

official site

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