Monday, July 12, 2010

DNA Citrus Energy Drink Review

With Citrus, the DNA line is finished, and while Lemon Lime was good enough for a recommendation, their venture into sugar free territory proved to be their weakness. But there's hope that the line will end as strong as it began with DNA Citrus. DNA Citrus comes in a can that's use of orange and yellow is a bit overwhelming and sickening. While the black does contrast it somewhat, the combination just simply isn't attractive. It's kinda surprising and fairly rare for a can to suffer not from its layout, but from its colours.

DNA Citrus definitely is a much needed improvement over Sugar Free. It begins heavy on carbonation with ample time spent detailing the struggle for equality between orange and tangerine. The orange's evident right out of the gate, where as the tangerine takes getting noticed slowly. The latter is a bit more authentic and tart than the tangy yet unrealistic tasting prior. Both are sickly sweet but only moderately syrupy. The sweetness has a coarse texture that's not distracting but it isn't exactly fitting. This grainy feel mimics that of juice pulp to an extent that if it wasn't so sweet it could give this no-juice drink a realistic edge. The flavour continues steady until the tangerine begins to collapse, allowing a candy tartness to ride under the grittiness. The experience has a distinctly appropriate citric bite that completes it in tasting like orange soda. Overall, while it successfully meets the requirements of its obvious inspiration, I can't help but wish they tackled a more unique soda flavour instead of this common one.

Guarana, several B vitamins, caffeine(200mg), taurine, folate, and inositol make up the bulk of DNA Citrus's ingredient cocktail, and it resulted in a kick equal to its predecessors. It lasted four hours with mildly occurring jitters. Once the four hours ended I did crash to the point where I felt the need for more caffeine, but not necessarily more sleep. All in all, DNA Citrus is a fairly standard energy drink that has few weak points but isn't as innovative or unique as I would of liked.

official site

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