Monday, July 26, 2010

...lost Cadillac Energy Drink Review

...lost Cadillac comes in a bright green can that is attention grabbing and visually appealing. The updated logo is much more stylized than the old one, and I like how they combined the "O" and the planet symbol into one. Something worth noting is that the new design trashes the zany and chaotic theme I praised on the older cans. I do, however, prefer the newer designs cleaner and easier to read look. The colour obviously informs the drinker that the flavour will be some sort of play on lime, which is later confirmed by the side of the can, which claims the flavour is that of a Cadillac Margarita, which according to my research, involves lime. Why they would make a margarita style energy drink without alcohol seems like a poor decision to me, as it instantly eliminates a fair share of energy drinkers; those who do not drink alcohol(those like me).

Initially, the flavour is strong on a sweet candy-like melon taste embellish in a jesting carbonation. But the melon is quickly and wholly engulfed in an equally tart and sour lime. Neither the sour or tartness are overwhelming nor do they last long; as they're soon greatly contracted in way for a sugary sweetness. This sweetness gives the lime an artificial and confection quality that's enjoyable and distant enough from the beginning flavour to show it's progressing. The sweetness coexists with a mild mineral/salt adumbration that acts as a closer to the experience up until it's cloaked by a sudden surge of carbonation. I believe the mineral/salt finish is trying to mimic that of its margarita inspiration, but it goes unnoticed unless you're carefully examining each sip with precise detail. Overall, ...lost Cadillac's flavour is fairly akin to most lime orientated drinks, but it is a good thing most lime orientated drinks taste good.

Each can contains: caffeine(160mg), taurine, ginseng, guarana, inositol, and a variety of B vitamins. The blend gave me a buzz lasting the average three or so hours, and I had some jitters during it. The kick did end with a slight crash, but it wasn't unbearable. In the end, ...lost Cadillac is a slightly above average energy drink that tried to pull a Monster by exploiting a pointless gimmick, in this case the whole margarita thing, in a failed attempt at finding unique status. But all this doesn't surprise me, given both lines are made by Hansen's.

official site

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