Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cheetah Power Surge Energy Drink Review

Cheetah Power Surge comes in a sixteen oz. shrink wrapped can that's far too cluttered. Lines like "High Octane" are unnecessary when halfway down the can it says "Power Surge," both of which really mean the same thing. Also, while the cheetah is appropriate here as opposed to the Max Velocity line, because of its name, naming an energy drink off an animal is now a days pretty cliche. But perhaps my biggest complainant is the whole caffeine free thing. That's right, Cheetah is caffeine free. Are there really that many who love energy drinks but dislike all the caffeine? Or are some allergic to it? Well, either way, I doubt either group is big enough to dedicate an entire drink too.

When I took my first sip, I was greeted by a pleasant cross between sour and tartness, both with a powdery texture. Following was a light and subdued fruit punch blend of lemon, lime, cherry, and guava, beginning with a braid of lemon and cherry. The cherry predates the lemon, and while neither is dominate, the lemon doesn't last as long because the drinks progression suppresses it. With the lemon weakening, the guava taste unfolds over the prior, but it's almost immediately deflated by the sour and tartness. The cherry has stopped advancing, and now slowly declines in favor of a lime that feels natural with the sourness despite not tasting natural itself. There's a negligible amount of pear trailing the lime, but the focus on the lime is too strong to really notice it. The drinks overall high level of sweetness prevent any of the fruits from developing fully, and as a result the drink reminds me more of a school lunch fruit punch than a real, honest to good blend of fruits. And while I did find the flavour enjoyable and decently put together, it wasn't exceptional in the least bit.

Regardless as to whether or not this shows my addiction to caffeine, I really didn't receive any sort of sustained or powerful kick. The forty grams of sugar gave me a decent hour long sugar rush, and while there was guarana and ginseng present, the ingredients just didn't do it. Overall, unless Sanka drinkers are sick of coffee and want a caffeine free energy drink, Cheetah Power Surge is purely a worthless product. Oh wait, I'm sorry, it isn't worthless, as showing fellow energy drink junkies a caffeine free energy drink always gets a hearty laugh.

official site


  1. A lot of people can't drink caffeine, including myself. I've actually been looking for a caffeine free energy drink for a while now.

  2. Guarana has caffeine. So lippy one with the review, educate yourself next time before you spout, addict. Dex, careful, depending on your tolerance, may still be an issue.
