Saturday, August 21, 2010

Crunk Sugar Free Energy Drink Review

With so many lines of text, most redundant or cliche, Crunk Sugar Free's can is hard to follow and all around cluttered. And the busy design doesn't help relieve any of what the eye has to digest. There's no reason to say "Low Carb" right above "Sugar Free," as they go hand in hand to the point where people assume they're the same thing. Towards the top of the can is listed one-liners of what the drink can possibly do, but in 2010, the whole thing is starting to feel tired and a bit much, as most already come to mind when you think of the word energy drink. Also, because the drink doesn't contain enough juice to be an energy juice, using the selling point "contains real pomegranate juice" is kinda misleading and a bit of a stretch.

The flavour begins a red grape that's initially unsavory because of a strong organic quality, but quickly that's replaced by a much more pleasant and appropriate sourness. Following is a pomegranate taste that exists alongside the prior, albeit stronger flavour. It adopts a similar sourness and presents its own underlying tartness. Within the tartness is a bland apple and vanilla braid, with neither introducing any authenticity. Succeeding is a reappearance of grape, only by this time it has lost much of its earlier unappetizing herbal taste, and shares equally the tartness from the other flavours. The experience ends with a climax of a seltzer-like carbonation, and a sudden and quick cross between the pomegranate and a newly appearing lime that steadily grows sweet before it collapses. The proceeding sweetness was enjoyable and didn't taste artificial in the least bit, so the reason the rest of the flavour had little to no sweetness baffles me. It could of helped cover up and control some of the earthiness, and at the same time given the experience vibrancy.

Crunk Sugar Free has some decent power behind it. I had energy steadily increasing for three hours where it halted growing but continued for another half an hour or so. I didn't crash, nor did the buzz provide any jitters. Each can contains: caffeine(194mg), inositol, guarana, ginkgo, ginseng, milk thistle, vitamin C, and several B vitamins. All in all, Crunk Sugar Free cost me $2.89, which to me means that it should looked and tasted a whole lot better than it did.

official site

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