Saturday, August 7, 2010

Full Throttle Caramel Energy Coffee Review

Full Throttle Coffee Caramel uses the terrible new design of the line, and this along with a bad colour choice makes it one of the ugliest cans to the Full Throttle brand name. To tie in being caramel flavoured, the company chose to use a sickly brown colour that's highly unappetizing. I mean, of all the shades and hues of brown available why in the world did they have to chose one that's more reminiscent of fecal matter than anything? Regardless as to why, I also have some text complaints, namely the line "Coffee Energy Drink." Why it couldn't just read "Energy Coffee" is beyond me, as the line used is potentially confusing.

I've said before that most energy coffees are starting to taste vastly similar, so the thought of a caramel coffee is a breath of fresh air in terms of originality. But originality wasn't what I got upon first sip. Initially I was hit by a bland yet creamy milk taste who's texture was slimy and had a mildly strong bitter coffee undercurrent. The only caramel taste appears within the slimy texture and in an appropriately sweet aftertaste. There's actually more presence of a cross between butterscotch and mocha, which materializes most completely nestled atop the caramel. The butterscotch is predominate between the two, and the mocha mostly resides near the bitterness. The cross doesn't blend with the caramel, and the latter is actually almost entirely obscured by the prior. There's a slight lacing of nutmeg and cinnamon to the flavour overall, with the nutmeg only surfacing along side the mocha. All in all, although Full Throttle Coffee Caramel went down quickly and with total ease, the flavour isn't entirely its own, as it tastes more like a simple variation of past flavours than something unique.

Caramel's reformulated kick is not only an improvement over Full Throttle Mocha, but also slightly more potent than the Java Monster line. I had energy lasting just under four hours, during which time I had some jitters. The buzz was fairly immediate after I finished the entire can, and once the kick ended I didn't crash, but it was noticeable that I wasn't as awake. Each can contains: caffeine(185mg), D-ribose, and a couple B vitamins. In the end, Full Throttle Coffee Caramel's low point is its can; its most average point is its taste; and its highlight is its kick. This is a drink that only gets better from the first time you look at it, but sadly it never really becomes great.

official site


  1. I love energy drinks but I am not a big fan of the coffee energy drinks.

  2. I'm enjoy the occasional one. However, most of the time they go way overboard with the amount of sugar, and most tend to taste similar. Plus, they're rarely cheap.
